Plug And Play: How DIY Website Development Platforms Make It So Easy For You To Build Your Own Website

Once upon a time, you paid tens of thousands of dollars to a website developer to write all of the website code, create an opening page, and create links to related pages for a custom website for you and your business. Now, there are dozens of platforms that allow you to create your own website by providing you with all of the tools you need to customize the site. On top of that, the company that provides you with these tools can also, for a monthly fee, launch your site and provide maintenance to keep it free of bugs and problems. Here is how this type of service has made it so much easier to DIY a website of your own.

​It Costs Thousands of Dollars Less

Whereas you would have had to pay someone else thousands of dollars to build a website, you pay a very tiny monthly amount just to keep your site maintained. In some cases, the amount is about ten dollars. It may be as much as hundred dollars a month, but you can shop around. The cost is still far better than what you would have spent. 

Pick, Plug, Play

When you have selected a DIY website development platform, you begin the building process right there. Pick a color palette. Pick page spreadsheet designs. Pick graphics and windows for those graphics. Drop objects on the page where you want them. Create a text box. Create the text inside the box. Move, edit, and save. Create new pages and backlinks. The software asks you what you want to link and how. Pick what you want, plug it into place, save it all, and press "play" (i.e., launch your site). The company that provides the tools sends you the page urls, allowing you to check and make sure the pages can be reached by customers. When it all works, your site is officially live.

Got Pictures? No Problem!

You can install graphics from thousands of graphics and art online. If you would rather, you can use photos you have taken. Just create a photo or graphic box, and then select a photo. While the photo is in the box, edit it. Click outside the box to set the picture. Repeat as needed. A lot of dentists, doctors, lawyers, and other professionals want to install pictures of themselves into their websites along with bios. You can also use photos to show what you do, a common option for photographers and artists.

To learn more, contact a local website development company. 
