Tips For Making Your Website Look Good On Mobile

If you have a website that you are using to promote yourself or use to sell a product, you likely have it looking great on desktop. The reason why it will automatically look good on desktop is because you likely designed and implemented it there. This means that when you were testing it to make sure that it looked good, you were testing it on your computer screen. Your website will likely look radically different as a mobile site on your phone or your tablet. Here are some tips for making your website look good on mobile so that people can easily use it on any device.

1. Use a Responsive Framework

You might want to consider refactoring your website so that it uses a responsive framework. The reason for this is that responsive frameworks will automatically scale your images and change how they are lined up as it senses the size of the screen. It will ensure that your website always looks good, regardless of the size of the screen. Some frameworks will even scale your menus and navigation bars so that they will be easier for people to use on mobile.

2. Set Form Attributes

This is especially important for phones. Although this does not change how your website looks, it will make your website much easier to use on small mobile devices where typing is not as convenient. Check any forms that you have and make sure that their attributes specify exactly what they are, rather than just calling them "text fields." This means that a line for email input should be specified email and so on. The reason for this is that your customers' phone will automatically detect that an email should go in that field and provide the user with the option to put in their previously used email addresses with the click of a button, making the user's job easier.

3. Use Word-Wrap

Finally, be sure that you set the word-wrap attribute to true in order to prevent text from running off the screen. If you don't,  your user will be forced to scroll to the right manually and back again to the left to read everything that your website has to say. This sucks for the user. Word-wrap will simply sense the width of the screen and wrap to meet that width, rather than go beyond it. 

For more information, talk to a company, like Evolve Business Solutions, that specializes in responsive website design.
